

This has turned out to be a busy and exciting month. We went to Baltimore earlier this month for Nick and Isabelle's wedding...which was a blast, we had Louise visiting from Amsterdam, we worked a bunch, ate Polish food, celebrated Sara's birthday, went pumpkin and apple picking upstate, and settled into our winter coats. Erik even bought a new winter coat.

Even more exciting is certain baby news! Both Erik's sister Amke and her husband Niels and our friends Simone and David are expecting babies. Congratulations! We are so happy for everyone and can't wait to be Oom and Tante :)


New Pictures

Some kitties, some US Open, some construction next door. The much, much smaller orange kitty is my Grandmother's, aka "mini max". Try and spot Erik in the fourth photo.

The consturction next door seems to have stopped. They haven't worked for weeks and came in the middle of the night to take the digger machine away. Hopefully they ran out of money and will have to turn the space into a garden. Fingers crossed.