
Storage weekend

In order to make our apartment feel more spacious, we've decided to rent a storage space here in Greenpoint for all of our belongings that we can't bear to part with, but certainly don't need to look at everyday. We're photographing stuff before it goes in, so we can easily find it.

Friday night we moved the little green couch into the office and brought the giant wardrobe into the kitchen, messing up all of the other rooms along the way. Max and Meisje were scared at first, but soon came around. It was funny to see how they nestled into their cat carrier when they usually fight for their lives to stay out it. Erik was torn between watching the Subway Series baseball game and enjoying a beer on the deck, so I suggested he take the T.V. outside and enjoy both.

On Saturday, Erik continued his volunteering at the Center for Book Arts. He sorted type and got back into the letterpress swing. That night we were invited to a BBQ at Rob's just a few blocks away. His sister is working on an organic farm in PA and brought all of these delicious, fresh fruits and vegetables. "Picked that day" she said. What a difference from the usual hot dogs and chips.

On Sunday we checked out the Renegade Craft Fair in McCarren Park. Bought some jewelry, a notebook, and some letterpressed cards. Erik bought a AMS-JFK T-shirt. Afterwards we went to DuMont for a DuLicious dinner. I have no willpower against fries. On the bus ride to the park, we passed the 99 cent store that was going out of business. I guess they couldn't raise their prices!


Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaahhhhh max and meisje are so adorable. Give them a paw from kitty and vlekkie.

The Blaggard said...

That picture of the kitties in the carrier is sooooo cute! That is some major cuddle action.

That photo of the deck should have me in it with a beer as well. Maybe some cured meats and grapes to boot.