
Ellis Anneke Vrielink

We are so happy to announce the birth of our daughter Ellis (only a week later)! I can hardly believe it has already been a week. My labor was very long (36 hours) and ended up being a c-section when Ellis's head got stuck under my pelvic bone after 3 hours of pushing, so I spent more time in the hospital than I had anticipated. In a funny way it was a huge blessing. The nurses were so caring and it allowed me more time to recover while being looked after. Plus, my room had an amazing view of the city and river and it made spending hours in a bed so much more tolerable. Lots of friends visited us in the hospital and Isabelle and Nick (in town from Seattle) helped us make the big trip home. It was so surreal to finally see Ellis outside and to test out the car seat...which worked great!

We are trying to do what the books call "nesting in" by spending these first two weeks pretty much only inside getting to know Ellis, figuring out breastfeeding and bonding as a family. We are learning more and more everyday. Erik has been absolutely amazing. I couldn't ask for a more supportive husband or a prouder papa.

A little back story to her name: Ellis Anneke. I always really liked Ellis and Erik always liked Anneke. Ellis reminds us of NY, of the millions who immigrated here (just like Erik) and went through Ellis Island. On our wedding day, the boat even went past the island. I also liked that her name is pronounced the same in Dutch and English. And just like my three names with the double n's and r's, her names also have double letters. So far, it seems to be a great fit.

And the other details...she was 8lb 1oz and was born 09/20/2009 (or in Europe 20/09/2009...which looks pretty neat) at 2:34pm.

We are starting a separate blog for Ellis and will keep everyone posted when it's up and running...


Simone said...

Beautiful photos-beautiful baby girl. I hope everything is working out for you guys and you are all falling into your routines. It's a tough time with lack of sleep and all but it will all only get better and better everyday. She is a lucky girl to have such wonderful and dedicated parents.

Love and hugs to you guys. Can't wait until we can see you all again.

Simone said...

And I have to agree with the 4 day hospital stay being a good thing with the first baby. I don't know what I would've done if they sent me home the next day. The nurses are so helpful and the extra care is really needed in those first days.

go said...

she is beautiful and perfect!!!!!!!!!!!
could hardly wait to see picts of her, have been checking everyday since the 20th :)))
love from all of us!

Fabien said...

Congratulations again. Must be so nice to finally be home the three of you.