In the weekend of the 16th of october we visited Jenny's Mother and Grandmother in Louisville with my parents, who came to visit us in NY for one week. It turned out to be a great weekend. It was really nice to see more of where Jenny grew up and to spend time with her mother. We went to a pumkin farm, that was a bizare experiance for me and my parents since it turned out to be a real popular thing to do amongst the locals. So we got a real good look at the other America. The farm was nice but strange. They drove us to a field ( on the back of a tractor) and then you could pick a pumkin, wich they dumped there in the morning. It was a strange sight to see poeple scavaging a field looking for the best pumkin in the midle of nowhere, almost as if we were in a country with a food shortage. It was great to see Louisville since it makes you understand America much better, or it makes you realize once again how different NY is from other cities in America.
The rest of the week my parents spent in NY, and left the folowing Saturday. Time flies by, but I had a great time seeing my parents again.